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Get png icons from Android Icon Pack

Recently I started playing a little bit with an app called KLWP. With that great app you can make custom wallpapers for your phone using shapes, text, images and anything you can think of.
I made a wallpaper using KLWP that is actually an 8-bit form of home screen. I used some squares and an 8-bit font for the text. What I didn’t have was the right icons for my buttons.
I searched on Play Store for an android 8-bit icon pack and I found 1-BIT Icon Theme, that was exactly what I needed. But how could take selected icons as .png to pick them as an image?

1. Download the APK
I found the apk from a website called and saved it on my desktop.

Get png icons from Android Icon Pack(1)

2. Rename the APK
What you have to do next is just to rename the extension of the file from .APK to .ZIP

Get png icons from Android Icon Pack(2)

Get png icons from Android Icon Pack(3)

3. Unzip the content
After unziping the file you will see a few files. You have to go to res folder, where every image used on the app is stored over there. In case there are multiple folders you can just sort by size and by 99% the first folder will be the folder with the icons.

Get png icons from Android Icon Pack(5)

Now you can just grab any image you like for your custom wallpaper.

Happy customizing!


My wallpaper >>

KLWP >> Google Play

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