I was recently talking with a friend and he asked me if I had any subreddits that I like and I remembered an old post I made from 2016, which has 15 subreddits. So I created a list of my 100 favorite subreddits for 2021.
In order to make this list more readable I grouped them in 8 generic categories:
- Science
- Nature
- Society
- Learning
- Humour
- Chaos
- Awesome
- Discussions
So let’s go to the subreddits.
This category is about all the subreddits which are related to technological topics, but not directly related to news.
Users on this subreddit offer paid software and games for multiple platforms which are on discount for a limited time. Multiple discounts are 100% and had some great offers like GTA5 or Watchdogs.
Look for inspiration for your battle station. Users showing their gaming setups with colourful lights and minimal keyboards.
Graphical representations of numerous tops. From political topics to athletics and business. Easy to understand and follow.
People sharing their funny programming stories in form of cartoons or memes. People who are close to IT will most probably love it and embrace it.
Beautiful iPhone themes for jailbroken devices. New iOS theming tools but also people showcasing their setups.
Similar to iOS Themes for every device running unix. From minimalistic i3 setups to Mac OS theming, everything is here.
Beautiful start pages for your browser. Spice up your user experience with one of the pages users share on this subreddit.

A category for everything related to nature and animals. Animals being fat, funny, clumsy, friendly, brave, cool! Everything!
A subreddit of videos and gifs dedicated to our little and big friends being helpful to other animals or to people!
Funny videos of clumsy animals being Derps!
Animals looking cute but being full of surprises!
Pictures of cute animals in our daily life
Picture and videos of animals doings blops (slightly having their tongue hanging)
Little rats, mice and animals with human-like hands, grabbing things.
Fat cats with big round eyes! Also multiple dechonkification images from chonk cats going back to normal.
Videos of animals being excited that their master is back after an extended or short time of absence.
Animals being trying to holding themselves from jumping because of excitement.
Picture of cute animals that will make you aww..
Subreddits for cats that they do what they want.
While this is not directly animals, it is medieval paintings with cats or other animals.
Subreddit with images of cute animals with educational purpose.
The awesome majesty and incredibly cool aspects of nature.

This category has everything about the people in our society. Weird people making weird things. Emotions like rage, cringe, sadness, happiness can be part of those subreddits.
A collection of videos and images which will make you smile and make your day a bit brighter.
Conversations posted in form of images, showing how people did the mic drop and exited the conversation.
A subreddit dedicated to people who show how badass they are behind a keyboard. Some of them will borderline cause you physical pain.
Similar to r/IAmVeryBadass, but this time flexing how smart they are.
People mistaking words and phrases with other words which make zero sense. Bon Appetit = Bone Apple Tea.
Some ideas for illegal activities, for people in need or in greed.
Images of post from people on Facebook explaining how Bill Gates caused covid or how Trump fights pedophiles.
Subreddit for people getting caught doing something illegal and getting the punishment they deserve!
When your beliefs have different consequences from what you expected.
A subreddit for people doing predictions which end up completely wrong.
When common sense and login beat irrational discussions.
Guys acting like good boys, just to get the girl.
Step-dads acting fast like cats sloths.
Dads being unable to hold their tears being happy.
Tips on how to make your life worse or more miserable, for free!
Things and actions that make you feel ashamed of being part of this world.
Trashy behaviours from trashy people.
News which sound like a prank but are pure reality.

The subreddits in this category have as purpose to learn new things. Those things can be related to languages, technology, history, stay up to date with events and simplified science.
Simple guides that will show sometimes complicated topics in a simplified form.
Historical photos with explanations. An excellent subreddit for the lovers of history.
Interesting facts, events and weird places, all in one subreddit.
A place where people share interesting websites that they found or they created.
The place for your questions that you were scared to ask, so people won’t judge you.
Wondering why everyone is talking about an event you never heard of? This is the place to find about it.
Find cool new products which probably you wanted in your life.
Learn something new every day. Interesting facts about life and historical events.
Advices from people for things that you should know about.
Professionals explain complex topics in a way a five year old would understand it.
Scientific answers for every scientific question.

Humorous subreddits for every taste. Memes, unexpected events, fails and cringe all in one.
Every proof you can find online that birds are not real and they are made for a different reason.
Pictures of cats standing up with a catch. All the comments and titles are Cat.
, no different text is allowed.
Subreddit full of signs written on a way you are not sure how to read them.
Memes and funny images turned into fake historical events.
The place for your daily cringe.
Large-scale everything. Large plants, animals, humans.
Photoshopped animals combined into one. Dogs with lion heads and crazier animals.
This is the subreddit to show to your mom when she says she wants grandkids.
Every kid has a stupid parent! This is a subreddit for them.
Things that you never thought somebody would create.
A subreddit for the failed attempts on everything!
When designers hide sexualized content on their product.
When you see something and hmmm..
Images posted on tumbler or Facebook following the 4 panel format that make you hate your life.
A subreddit full of images that saw Awful Taste items But with Great Execution.
Memes for the religious part of your life.
Videos with a twist you would never expect.
When Unexpected meets Hmmm. Another great subreddit for hmmm content.
Photoshop old pictures to create a new one and get some internet points.
House for the best blursed images on the web.
A subreddit dedicated to jokes which are bad so they end up being good
People ask questions and people reply with only one letter each time. Ouija selects yours response.
Photographs that inadvertently resemble well-composed Renaissance style art.
Messy, chaotic, confusing, painful, surprising things that you don’t want to live. All in one group.
When everything seems ok and goes completely wrong.
Scary and creepy photos.
A subreddit for accidents which hurt (a lot).
When everything just goes wrong
People celebrating before the game is over.
From road rage to McDonald’s fights, everything is here.
People getting too much of different substances, having no idea what is going on.
People who should not have a driving license are between us.
Images which make you say, well that sucks.
Videos from people doing things that you know it will go wrong.
Do stupid things win stupid prizes.
A subreddit to remind you how much life sucks.
Videos where you can see on people’s faces say, “What have I done?!”
Videos of machinery, structures, or devices that have failed catastrophically during operation.

In this section are listed all the subreddit that make you admire human skills and some cool things.
People with crazy skills from another world.
The one in a million videos. Things you wouldn’t believe if it wasn’t on a video.
Upvoted Not Because Girl But Because It Is Very Cool.
Photos taken at the perfect moment.
Videos of events which are oddly satisfying. Perfect and smooth fits.
This our mind cannot process on how they work.
Interesting events in form of videos or images.
Videos of foreseen accidents ending up perfectly fine.

Subreddits dedicated to discussion of different topics but also asking for help.
Subreddit dedicated to help Europol and FBI identify object on important cases.
The place where you can ask questions to all Reddit people.
Today I Fucked Up is a subreddit where people tell how they fucked up.
Redditors allowing other redditors to ask them things about a unique skill that they have.
The place to ask for a third opinion when in conflict.
When you find a weird object and you have know idea what could it be. Reddit could help.
If you have another interesting subreddit you can leave a comment below!
Thanks for reading! 🙂